Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Summer boat cover sloop

Boat cover for Sloop and other open boats

The boat cover type Amstel UVX is a solution to all (99,9%) of the sloops and open boats. In the basics it is a standard cover, but it is perfect to tailor it for your boat. The sail will be delivered with everything included. This means included durable and complete frame of composite slats. The newest versions of the Amstel will be delivered with bamboo sticks which can be shoved in the cover. Bamboo is lighter, stronger  and more weatherproof then her fiber optic predecessors. The by Bootzeil developed articles are strong elastics for the attachment on the boat, an easy adjustable boat protection cover with clear instructions. It does not matter if you have a boat, a dinghy or a tender, maybe a barge, the Amstel UVX will certainly fit.

Below is an instructional movie with installation tips for the boat covering type Amstel. 

For more information or questions, go to bootzeil.com.

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